CAPEL-serisi Capillary Elektroforez Cihazları

FLUORAT®-02, which was a pioneering instrument developed by LUMEX and have gained a wide use in many analytical laboratories, makes a baseline for a number of analytical fluorometric, photometric, and chemoluminometric techniques. This versatility allows an analyst to choose the optimal method for assaying each component being determined.

The Fluorat analyzers embody the modular principle. The base unit, FLUORAT®-02, is a filter fluorimeter, chemiluminometer and photometer implemented together in the same optoelectronic scheme, whereas the FLUORAT®-02-2M version is, in addition, a time-resolving fluorimeter and can also be used as a fluorimetric detector in any HPLC system, relevant measuring cells being interchangeable.

FLUORAT®-02 is an automated analyzer furnished with a package of certified methods for monitoring the quality of drinking and waste water in compliance with sanitary Regulations, as well as for assaying a number of air, soil, and food product constituents. The analytical methods implemented using this instrument are chosen so that to reliably detect half of the prescribed UTC and to provide the simplest sample preparation. For example, it takes 2 to 3, 5 to 7, and 2 to 3 minutes, respectively, to prepare a sample of petroleum hydrocarbons, phenols, and surfactants for analysis.


  • Low detection limit
  • High analytical selectivity, as compared to conventional photometric devices
  • Analysis of a large variety of components
  • Low consumption of reagents and short time of analysis
  • Nonvolatile memory for calibration and other analysis parameters
  • Operation as a fluorometer, chemiluminometer, photometer, nephelometer
  • FLUORAT®-02-2M with attachments can be used as a HPLC detector and for measurement of cryoluminescence
  • COD-reactor TERMION is used for Chemical Oxygen Demand measurements

Wide spectral range
FLUORAT®-02 analyzer is equipped with a high-pressure xenon arc lamp, which emits high-intensity light in a spectral range from 200 to 1000 nm.

The instrument is basically a fluorimeter, however, it can be also operated as a photometer, chemiluminometer, or phosphorimeter. The cell compartment accommodates 10x10 mm cells for fluorometry, or 10x20 and 10x40 mm cells for photometry (the latter two in the FLUORAT®-02-2M model).

Use in the field
The analyzer is energized from AC mains or from a 12-V accumulator battery, which allows its use in mobile laboratories.

Automated operation procedures
The names of the methods, result processing technique, and calibration coefficients are displayed in the user�s menu. The menu content and the loaded calibrations are stored in a nonvolatile memory. The self-diagnostics procedure is automatically performed when the instrument is switched on and during measurement. When carrying out an analysis, an operator merely chooses the necessary method from the menu and, having installed a cell, starts measuring. The concentration of a component being measured is indicated on a built-in LC display or is transmitted via a serial port to a standalone computer for further processing.
The table above lists the detection limits for some substances in analysis of water using FLUORAT®-02 analyzers in compliance with the certified methods. It should be noted that these methods are optimized for reliable identification of UTCs, the actual detection limits being lower than those given in the table.

Water natural, potable, and waste water (Al, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb[1], Sn, U[2], V, Zn; cyanides, nitrites, sulphides; surfactants, benz[a]pyrene[1,2,3], formaldehyde, petroleum hydrocarbons, phenols, COD[4]);potable water (As, Be, Cr, Se, fluorides, turbidity[5]);natural and strat al water (dyes and traces -fluorescein, eosin, rhodamin)
Soil, bottom sediments, and solid waste B, Zn; petroleum hydrocarbons; benz[a]pyrene[2,3]
Food Sn, Se; aphlatoxines B1[2,3], M1[2,3], zearalenone[2,3], vitamins A [2,3], E[2,3], vitamins B1, B2 and C, benz[a]pyrene[2,3], ochretoxine[2,3]
Emission measurement benz[a]pyrene[2,3,4], formaldehyde, phenol
Air Cu, Pb[1], Zn, Cd; benz[a]pyrene[1,2,3], formaldehyde, phenol, hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen fluoride
[1] with a CRYO-2 attachment
[2] with a FLUORATÒ-02-2M model only
[3] with a Lliquid chromatograph LUMACHROM or a HPLC unit of other manufacturers ( with a FLUORAT -02-2M model)
[4] with a COD-reactor
[5] with a FLUORAT -02-3M model only

FLUORAT®-02-3M and FLUORAT®-02-2M analyzer versions
FLUORAT®-02-2M enables measuring the phosphorescence intensity, operating in the time-resolving fluorometer mode. This mode is used for the detection of uranium, featuring very high sensitivity and selectivity. The analyzer can also operate with a fiber optic bundle, which allows measuring luminescence or reflected light from the surface of an outside sample, such as paper, cathodoliminophors, etc. FLUORAT®-02-2M can be combined with CRYO-1/2 attachment and can also be used as a fluorometric detector for HPLC systems.

FLUORAT®-02-02/3M features:
  • operation in custom menu mode to analyze standard list contaminants
  • saving calibration tables and background value for 16 different components in the built-in memory
  • printout of analysis results
  • storing results in the built-in memory
  • energized from AC mains or from a 12-V accumulator battery
  • self-diagnostics: the device automatically identifies failures in all units
  02-3M 02-2M
Spectral range 200 - 900 nm 200-670 nm
Cell, mm 10, 20 and 40 10, 20 and 40
Power requirements 110-240 Vac, 50/60 Hz; 12 Vdc, 36 W
Size 300x300x95 mm 330x300x120 mm
Weight 8 kg 8 kg


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