RA-915+ Portatif Zeeman Civa Analizörü

RA-915+ Mercury Analyzer is a portable multifunctional atomic absorption spectrometer with Zeeman background correction, which eliminates the effect of interfering impurities. It is the only high sensitivity and selectivity instrument that does not require gold amalgam pre-concentration and subsequent regeneration steps. This enables the user to conduct rel time monitoring and detection of a mercury vapor. Being combined with an RP-91 Cold Vapor accessory for water and RP-91C pyrolysis attachment for solid sample testing, the instrument is designed to determine mercury content in ambient air, water, soil, natural and stack gases, dental and medical testing and diagnostics, analysis of food and marine life, etc., the mercury detection limits being as low as 2 ng/m3 in air and 0.5 ng/l in water.

RA-915 Civa Monitorü

Continuous monitoring of mercury in ambient air and natural gas. Allows direct continuous measurements of background concentrations with highest selectivity. The system is designed for automatic non-attended operation for indoor installation or installation in climate contralled cabinets in a 19'' rack.

RA-915 CEM Civa Emisyon Monitörü
Mercury continuous emission monitor is an industrial system for direct total mercury determination in stack gas with dry converter. Designed for outdoor installation on the stack, no heated lines needed.
MGA-915 Atomik Absorption Cihazı
MGA-915 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer with electrothermal sample atomization and enhanced Zeeman background correction features a compact benchtop design, incorporating a fast 62.5-mm focal length monochromator with a 1200-l/mm grating covering the 195-600-nm spectral range, automatically controlled Massman graphite furnace, and automatically interchangeable 6 hollow-cathode lamps or EDLs on a rotated turret. It enables an analysis of more than 60 elements, primarily heavy and toxic metals, to be carried out with very low detection limits in such complex organic samples as milk, juices, wines, or blood without preliminary sample digestion in a totally automated computer-aided operation mode, including automated adjustment for the given element. The spectrophotometer is equipped with a 100-position autosampler.
InfraLUM FT-02 FTIR Spektrometre

InfraLUM® FT-02 FTIR Spectrometer contains, as a basic unit, a state-of-the-art robust vibration- and misalignment-proof Double-Cat-Eye interferometer of a proprietary design. The InfraLum®-02 covers the spectral range of 350-7500 cm-1 and provides the photometric accuracy of 0.1%. The instrument is designed for identification of unknown substances, quantitative analysis of solutions and mixes, detection of impurities in atmospheric air and gases, and other similar analyses. The large sample compartment can accommodate all conventional and non-standard large cells and accessories. The use of the dedicated user-friendly SpectraLum control, data acquisition and processing software package, and calibration and reference databases allows even an unskilled operator to operate the instrument.

InfraLUM FT-10 FT - NIR Analizör

InfraLUM® FT-10 FT-NIR Analyzer is a multipurpose near-IR (8500-14 500 cm-1) FT spectrometer, which is designed for laboratory analysis of basic components of food products, grains, and feed mixes, such as proteins, fats, moisture, sugar, cellulose, starch, fibers, salt, etc., Determination of such biological properties of a sample as the sprouting ability of seeds, caloric content of food products, grain size, and others can be also achieved using this machine. The instrument employs the NIR-transmission technique, accommodates most of chemometrics prediction algorithms, and allows for high flexibility of analysis methods. The analyzer is controlled by a dedicated SpectraLUM/Pro® software, which enables to carry out routine analyses in a very simple dialogue mode, so that even an unskilled operator can operate the instrument.

InfraLUM FT-20 NIR Tahribatsız Analiz Cihazı
Fast non-destructive analysis of the sample composition and quality based on the FT-NIR diffuse reflectance spectrum registered with a bi-directional optical fiber probe.
Applications: powders, fibers, films, suspensions, pastes, various finished products (in transparent packages as well). Process quality control in agriculture, food, cosmetic, polymer, pharmaceutical, paper and textile industries.
InfraLUM FT-NIR Tahıl Analizörü
InfraLUM WholeGrain FT-NIR Analyzer is a near-IR FT spectrometer designed for laboratory analysis of basic properties/constituents of grain, such as protein, fats, moisture, sugar, cellulose, starch, fibres, etc. The instrument employs the NIR-transmission technique, accommodates most of chemometrics prediction algorithms, and allows for high flexibility of analysis methods. The analyzer provides very simple user interface via dedicated SpectraLUM/Pro software and touchscreen, which enables to carry out routine analyses in a dialogue mode, so that an operator can operate the instrument without any special training. The most precise FT spectrometry together with potion wise sampling ensures most accurate results that can be obtained by NIR spectrometry.
CAPEL-serisi Capillary Elektroforez Cihazları
CAPEL-series Capillary Electrophoresis Systems. Capel-105M/105 and -103 are high-performance CE instruments equipped with light sources and photometric detectors. Capel-105M and Capel-105M are equipped with a UV monochromator, covering the 190-380-nm spectral range, while model Capel-103 operates at a 254-nm wavelength. Capel-103 has a manually controlled sampler with 4 inlet and 2 outlet positions, and Capel-105M and Capel-105 have autosampler with 10 inlet and 10 outlet positions. The samples, rinsing and buffer solutions are injected automatically by pressure or electrokinetically according to a preset program. All the instruments are equipped with capillary cassettes with effective liquid-cooled capillaries of 30-100-cm in length and internal diameter of 25-100 µm, reversible polarity ±25 kV voltage supply units. The dedicated software package supports data acquisition and processing, data exchanges with worksheets, databases and word processors. The systems are utilised with software package from a PC that makes the analysis fully automated.
Fluorat-02-serisi Fluorimeter, Photometer, Chemiluminometer, Phosphorimeter
Fluorat®-02-series Analyzers employ the modular principle to diversify the highly sensitive and selective luminescent analysis technique. The base unit, Fluorat®-02, is a filter-based fluorometer, photometer, and chemoluminometer. All these modes of operation are implemented in the same optoelectronic scheme. In addition, the Fluorat®-02-2M version is a time-resolving fluorometer, which can be used as a fluorometric detector in any HPLC system. The analyzers are equipped with high-pressure xenon arc lamps, with a high-intensity light in the 200-650-nm spectral range, and are furnished with appropriate sets of light filters and measuring cells. Fluorat®-02-02/3M analyzers operate in a user-friendly menu mode to analyze common contaminants, such as petroleum hydrocarbons, phenols, surfactants, formaldehyde, nitrites, nitrates, sulfides, fluorides, and a number of elements. The software package allows for saving calibration tables and background value for 16 different components in the built-in memory, and for printing out the results of analysis. These analyzers can also operate with a fiber optic cable to measure luminescence or reflected light from the surface of an outside sample, such as paper, cathodoluminophors, etc. The small (300x300x90 mm) and light-weight (8 kg) analyzers are energized from an ac mains or from a 12-V battery, which allows their use in mobile laboratories
CRYO-1 and - CYRO-2 Cryogenic Sistemler
CRYO-1 and -2 Cryogenic Systems are designed for cryospectroluminescent analyses of benz(a)pyrene in various objects and of lead in samples of potable, natural and waste water, and in food products (in addition, Bi, Te, and Se can also be detected). The system constains a Fluorat®-02-2M analyzer and a cryogenic unit (plus an LM-3 monochromator in Cryo-1), which are connected via fiber optic bundles. The cryogenic unit, where a substance under study is cooled to 77K using liquid nitrogen, consists of a rack, Dewar vessel, and a device for the uniform feed of samples being measured.
Fluorat-02-Panorama Spectrofluorometer Cihazı


Fluorat®-02-Panorama Spectrofluorometer incorporates two monochromators in the luminescence excitation and detection paths, which are arranged in a compact two-level configuration, a xenon flashlamp as a light source, and a PMT as a detector of luminescence signals. The monochromators employ 900-l/mm concave diffraction gratings with a 100-mm radius of curvature, covering the 210-730-nm spectral range. The wavelengths are set either from a built-in keypad or using a computer control program. The instrument is designed for analysis of luminescence spectra of liquid and solid samples, chromatographic analysis of several components during a single eluation, and is capable of scanning synchronous or two-dimensional spectra in both excitation and luminescence detection paths.


LaSca-1C Lazer Particle Analizörü
LaSca-1C is a high-precision instrument for analysis of kinetic processes and measuring size distributions of fine particles and cells.
Python-2 High Pressure Syringe Pump
Python-2 ia a high-pressure syringe pump (used as part of isocratic liquid chromatographs or as a precise dosing device).
Applications: clinical and forensic analyses, pharmacology, sanitary and ecological inspection. Can be used as an auxiliary pump for a post-column reactor and as high-precision batcher.
Fluorat A-serisi Otomatik Flow Extraction Analizör

Fluorat®A-series Automatic Flow Extraction Analyzers are intended for stand-alone unattended continuous monitoring of the content of petroleum hydrocarbons (0.005-5 mg/l), aluminum (0.005-5 mg/l), active chlorine (0.03-3 mg/l), ozone (0.01-5 mg/l), and surfactants (0.05-5 mg/l) in potable, natural, and waste water or for assaying a series of samples using the fluorescence technique. The instruments comprise a luminescence detector and a sample preparation unit, which provides metered feed and switching of the water and gas flows, and control of temperature, mixing, and mass-exchange processes. In a stand-alone operating mode, the selected reaction sequence can be assigned from a built-in keyboard and allows wide-range altering the flow rates from 0.02 to 20 l/min. The instruments are equipped with RS-232 computer interfaces for customized report output and remote computer-aided control. Concentration measurement results, up to 1000, are stored in a built-in memory and are displayed on a built-in LCD or printed out. If the analysis result exceeds a permissible level, the alarm mode is activated, and a final-control mechanism can be automatically switched off by a command from the flow analyzer.

CKAT-1 Online Turbidimetre Monitörü
CKAT-1 on-line turbidimeter monitor is intended for stand-alone unattended continuous monitoring in ecological, technological and sanitary purposes. 
Principle of operation of this device is based on the effect of light scattering by suspended particles and emulsions. 
The instruments comprise a source of light, a water flowing cell and a matrix of photodetectors and allow to detect a turbidity in any natural and industrial water flows. The instruments are equipped with RS-485 computer interfaces for customized report output and remote computer-aided control. Concentration measurement results, up to 1000, are stored in a built-in memory and are displayed on a built-in LCD or printed out. If the analysis result exceeds a permissible level, the alarm mode is activated, and a final-control mechanism can be automatically switched off by a command from the flow analyzer.
AKMC-1 Hardness Monitör
AKMC-1 water hardness monitor is designed for stand-alone unattended continuous monitoring. The principle of operation of this instrument is based on potentiometric determination of the total content of calcium and magnesium ions (water hardness) in any natural or industrial water samples. The device may be used for monitoring at water preparation facilities and for quality control of feed water in power plants and in artesian-well water softening.  
AKMC-1 monitors consists of an electrochemical unit with ion-selective electrodes and a standard unit with a hydraulic unit. This design provides uninterrupted measurements of ion concentrations in real time with automatic correction for variations of temperature in the water flow.  
The instruments are equipped with RS-485 computer interfaces for customized report output and remote computer-aided control. Concentration measurement results, up to 1000, are stored in a built-in memory and are displayed on a built-in LCD or can be printed out. If the analysis result exceeds certain level, the alarm mode is activated, and a final-control mechanism can be automatically switched off by a command from the flow analyzer.
Minotavr Mikrodalga Numune Öğütücü ve yakma sistemleri

Minotavr® Microwave Sample Digestor provides automated full preparation of any samples for an elemental analysis by the AAS, luminescence, or photometric technique. A sample of such an organic substance as meat, fish, grains, bread, vegetables and fruits, potable or waste water, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages, tea and coffee, etc., is digested by a controlled 2450-MHz and 40-400-W microwave field in a closed vessel under pressure up to 8 atm, which ensures fast complete, and reproducible digestion, preventing the sample from a loss of readily volatile elements and reducing the consumption of reagents. Normally, a 2-g solid or 50-ml liquid sample is completely decomposed in 15 to 30 min.

Minotavr-2 Mikrodalga Digestion, Evaporation, Hydrolysis, Extraction, Drying, Sentez sistemi
New universal microwave system for chemical process intensification MINOTAVR-2
Effective sample heating Modular construction, possibility of simultaneous implementation of diverse or similar pre-treatment algorithms, temperature control, high digestion pressure in the container.
Applications: microwave digestion, microwave extraction, hydrolysis of amino acids, synthesis.
LUMAS-30 Mass spectrometre
Time-of-flight mass-spectrometry with pulsed discharge in hollow cathode.
By dint of combination of gas-discharge ionization system with time-of-flight ion detection technique there have been realized high efficiency of sputtering of sample surface, high speed of mass spectra registration over all range of detected masses and high sensitivity for most elements.
MCD-2 & LM-3 Monochromator
Monochromators line comprises MCD-2 double monochromators and LM-3 monochromators, which are intended for the use with analytical instruments operating in the UV-VIS (respectively, 280-710 nm and 200-750 nm) spectral range. The MCD-2, which feature an extremely high signal-to-noise light ratio of 3x106, are made by a proprietary design concept based on two concave 1250-l/mm diffraction gratings with a special groove profile and two deflecting plane mirrors, which provides an F-number of 1:4 and a high resolution of 0.33 nm throughout the working spectral range. The LM-3 have one concave diffraction grating with a special groove profile, the F-number being 1:3.3 and resolution 1.2-1.4 nm.  In both monochromators, slits are formed in easily removable fiber optical bundles from 200-µm diameter quartz-quartz filaments packed in rows.

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