MCD-2 & LM-3 Monochromator

MCD-2 double monochromator
The MCD-2 double monochromator, which features an extremely low level of optical noise, is intended for the use with analytical instruments operating in the ultraviolet and visible spectral ranges. The monochromator is made by a proprietary design concept based on two concave diffraction gratings with a special groove profile and two deflecting plane mirrors, which provide high resolution throughout the working spectral range.

LM-3 monochromator
The LM-3 monochromator is intended for the use with analytical instruments operating in the ultraviolet and visible spectral ranges. The monochromator has one concave diffraction grating with a special groove profile, which allows focusing of a diffracted beam on the exit slit by turning the diffraction grating around its rotation axis while the slits remain in a fixed position.

Wavelengths are set by a stepper motor drive in MCD-2 and LM-3.
In both monochromators, the slits are formed in an easily removable fiber optic lug made from 200-µm diameter quartz fibers packed in rows. Fiber optic cables are compatible with monochromators of both types.


  MCD-2 LM-3
Working range 280 - 710 nm 200 - 750 nm and zero order
Diffraction grating replica replica
Groove spacing 1250 lines per mm 1200 lines per mm
Blaze wavelength 400 nm 300 - 400 nm
Ruled area 56 x 56 mm 35 x 35 mm
Working order first first
Radius of curvature of the diffraction grating 250 mm 125 mm
F-number 1 : 4 1 : 3.3
Reciprocal dispersion 1.6 nm 6 - 7 nm
Resolution (with a 200-ì slit) 0.33 nm 1.2 - 1.4 nm
Signal-to-noise ratio at a wavelength of 632.8 nm for a ± 10 slit width from the center >3x106 >104
Size 335x240x153 mm 205x150x125 mm
Weight 8 kg 2.6 kg



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